since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned 'cause somebody stole it.
banned for living in idaho
Banned 'cause I'm in Pa. We got musical rocks.
Banned for rocking musical causes in Pa, while the teas on Long Island are shorter than they used to be due to the Long Island Tea glasses not being as tall anymore cos the glass blower got old and ran out of puff.
And if a woman from California was named Cate, would you call her Forni Cate?
banned for punage to the extreme
Banned for foliage.
Banned for allowing your pubes to grow that long.
banned for wanting a shaved kitty
Banned for taking your feline to the pet groomer for a shave so the fleas have nowhere to hide.
Banned for not going to the circus but letting it come to a boob tube near you.
Banned for your keen interest in what's inside boob tubes and not noticing the ladies smiles first.
Banned for not seeing the headlights for the big rig comin' at ya.
Banned for not knowing that I was always dazzled by headlights and could trip over my own feet while staring into them.