since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for going to so much trouble
Banned for introducing skepticism to non-believers.
banned for not questioning the process of questioning everything
Banned for everything and questioning nothing in the process of skepticism
Banned for not respecting my temporal loop.
Banned for looping into alternate places that are not necessarily universes but locations in your own mind.
Banned for platitudes, numerics and num nums.
Banned for aspirations of mathematical platitudes and getting a num, num bum while sitting there waiting for them.
banned for alternating loops
Banned for looping in alternating and ever shrinking orbits around Uranus.
banned for whining about upgrades
Banned for whining about whining about upgrades and polluting the water with off-world octopi.
Banned 'cause Octopi are smart. They have eight brains, one in each arm. We only got one in a head. What's up with that?
Banned for going all octogenarian at 64.
banned for squaring up on your numerology