since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for using your knees
Banned for arms, knees and boompsy daisy at a time when a proper knees-up was more appropriate.
Banned for kneeling inverted.
banned for poor inversion techniques
Banned for inverted nipples because they wanted to look more like yer belly button.
banned by the jelly bean corporation
Banned for sticking beans in yer belly button and waiting 'til they turn to jelly.
banned for mocking the jelly belly aliens
Banned for alienating the Hoo Flung Dungs of this world and giving the Gung Ho's a bad name for just being eager.
Banned for being dreadfully late with that exceptionally tardy ban.... Ryat has been double posting for yonks.
banned for mocking my doubles
Banned for doubling down on doubling down.
Banned for being twice the fun but double the trouble.