since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for being obsessive compulsive about those headlights that seem to bounce and giggle even when the road has very few to no bumps.
Banned for bobble heads.
banned for google heads
Banned for truckin' on down to the head shop to get your screws adjusted.
Banned for screw that... my screws are tight enough already and are giving me a headache.
Banned for not reversing the screw driver.
banned for burning the nikes but not the reeboks
Banned for leaving your fire extinguisher at home.
Banned for hosing the house out of season.
Banned for seasonal discrepancies and doing and in and out of season rant about the wallflowers growing far from any walls.
banned for deflowering the walls
Banned for delinquent juvenile tendencies.
Banned for dissing juvenile delinquencies when your own were quite recent due to never really growing up cos being a kid is better when it comes to being not responsible for one's own actions.
banned for not releasing the hounds