since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for Baskerville hounds barking at you for mooning last nights not too full moon in daytime.
Banned for baying at the full moon while sitting naked atop the back fence... oh, and covered in fur.
Banned 'cause fur babies do it in the closet.
Banned for that penchant to peep thru the closet keyhole to see fur babies doing the nasty with Rag, Tag and Bobtail.
Hehe, figure who those characters are.
banned for wanting us to figure characters out
Banned for keeping us in suspense.
Banned again for Aussie version of Loony Toons.
Banned for contemplating your navel while the world infinitely turns without your considered opinion regarding the consequences of gravity on boobies and scrotums and other soft tissues that go bump in the night.
Banned for not identifying the culprits.
Banned for wanting pics of boobies and scrotums when we should be identifying those carrying out espionage in our upper-class brothels to see which pollies are getting their wicks wet while on duty.
Banned for stealing wicks to prevent lighting up the inside of the outside upskirt phenomenon known as picky tunes.
Banned for going upskirt and finding a whole lot o' booty
banned for mocking those undergoing disaster
Banned for whipping up the storm of the century with the propeller on your tinfoil hat.
Banned for treading on Florence's entrails.