since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for having the guts to mention Florence's innyrds.
banned for not holding down the fort
Banned 'cause forts sound like soft versions of flatulence as opposed to farts that sound hard accompanied by malicious oderiferous manifestations of fog tinted light and dark brown.
Banned cos forts are scaled down castles but no moat.
banned for moating around
Banned for losing your virginity in the moat behind the bike sheds at high school
Banned for solicitous edumakation
Banned for telling tales out of school, then using chalk to write them on the pavement.
banned for outlining your life on the ground
Banned for gettin 'grounded.
Banned for parental-like tendencies and locking Ryat in the bathroom for going out to play when he should have been doing his chores.
banned for making me do my chores
Banned for not swabbing the deck.
Banned fer not swabbin' tha galley n' lettin; tha cook slip on a bit o' salted beef fat.
Banned for that too.