since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for dumping in the sub
Banned for subbing pings for dumps.
Banned for dumping leftovers.
banned for going left when you should have gone right
Banned 'cause goin' right didn't work too too good.
Banned for trying to right my lefts when you should have left my lefts be right being lefts.
banned for directional behavior
Banned for coming out of the bidirectional closet behind the out the woods...on the mountain...overlooking...Rushless 'cause Rushmore was being renovated to incorporate seating for three on George's head.
Banned for thinking Trump should have his head recreated at Mt Rushmore. Besides, it need not be recreated... 'tis more than big enough to dwarf the others there already.
Also banned cos I've nothing better to do.
And banned for knowing who's in the bi-sexual closet behind the outhouse in the woods overlooking 'Rock' Hudson's phone book of male doctors who dally in a bit of acting and perform anal probes after hours.
banned for talking about hillary trump's head on a mountain
Banned for thinking that Trillary Hump is good in bed. She's not! She snores loudly and takes up both sides.
Banned for keeping us in suspense thinking the Cap'n got all swallowed up by Moby Jr.
Banned for it wasn't Moby jr. He and I are actually great mates an' he'll ram tha king's ships if'n they gets too close to tha Twisted Sister.
Nah, I got got sick of creating posts just to have lurkers reading without any input, so I took a short break. Thing is, without you, me, Ryat and bigdogBigfeet, there's only lurkers unless somebody needs help.... then there's just a half dozen or so who respond.
I thought the forums were more than that. They were a place where people met, made new friends and had some fun. Sadly, those days are gone and without this thread the forums are practically dead.... lifeless because of the lurkers and no input.
Like I said in an earlier post, I've nothing better to do, so I'm back to waste some of my online time that's otherwise truly wasted doing nothing. I don't do social media like facebook, etc, so this is it.
banned for pontification
It is sadly true. Even I lurk a lot.
Unfortunately but what ya gonna do except......
BAN all the lurkers who do the lurking without inputting their input.