since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for wind on the wind ban.
Banned for banning a natural occurrence.... the four winds blow naturally across the Earth to help keep it cool and clean.
Banned for breaking wind to the four corners.
Banned for not knowing where the four winds originated in the first place.
banned for letting them all come together again
Banned for groping at straws when clutching failed to do the trick
Also banned for new page 1st post.... again.
Banned for thirds.
Banned for quarters of that and less some.
banned for mocking my dedication to this thread
Banned for dedicating the mark to something other than threadbare linens.
Banned for making your making your linen threadbare cos you're taking it down to the river to wash with a scrub board.
banned for boarding the scrub brush
Banned for brush scrubbing on the Great Plains.
Banned for brushing up on scrubbing.
banned for letting the rain in spain stay mainly on the plain