since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for cliches.
Banned for some of this and that and none of the other.
banned for nothing at all
Banned because I say so.
Banned because you said so.
Banned for circle so-ing.
Banned for squaring isosceles in the dark.
Banned for doing in the dark that which people would call the police if you did it in broad daylight.
banned for shining a spot light on the activities
Banned for feeble attempts at being dumb.
Banned for listening to the dumb man and proclaiming deafness.
banned for not talking about it
Banned for silence is golden.... but my eyes still see.
Banned for relying on song lyrics.
Banned for seeing eye to eye and missing the point made over lunch last Saturday when the moon took a powder.