since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for being duty bound.
banned for bounding about the backyard but ignoring the front yard
Banned 'cause I only gots a back yard 'cause the front yard got banned due to lack of interest.
banned for noninterest in yardage
Banned for yard work.
banned for making the play after the yardage was counted
Banned for counting on play time in the yardage.
Banned for counting yards in the dark with wet matches.
banned for wetting your matches inappropriately
banned for not vetting them first.
banned for getting to the core of the matter
Banned for letting spam in.
Banned for bopping.
banned for pinging off the walls
On a thread like this, that spam stuff stands out quite a bit. LOL
Banned for pinging under water. Him thinks him a sub. Lol