since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for thinking most of the big ones.
Mostly Banned with chance of reinstated followed at night with storms containing hail to the Ban. By morning expect sun shiny new Bans for everyone.
banned for run on bans
Banned for missing sun shine bans.
Banned for banning banners.
banned for putting your banners where ever you want
Banned for whatevers and howevers and other stuff ending in evers.
Banned for using the letter E in a post!
Banned for banning yourself 3 times over with Ez.
Banned for EZ posting and what have u's.
banned for trying to catch some z's
Banned for sleeping while on Ban duty.
banned for attempting to do your due diligence
Banned for lacking thereof.
banned for mocking my duties