since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for getting your balls tracked.
banned for not following the new trend
Banned for starting a new page...again. And the 23 451 at that.
Banned for new page envy.
banned for envy
Banned for feeding green eyed misanthropes.
banned for connecting the dots to find the word red
Banned for Dots for Polka.
Banned for enforcing the domino effect because you couldn't get it to snowball.
Banned for enticing winter.
Banned for going for the domino effect when you couldn't get it to snowball.
banned for being a snowball in hell
Banned fore not letting the devil have his snowman.
Banned for bribing the meteorologist to create a cold day in Hell so's snowballs could be thrown at Beelzebub and his overheated minions.
banned because hell froze over due to mispayment of the gas bill