since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for billing Old Father Time for overtime and not enough hours in the day to cash in.
Banned for leaking time from a goatskin pouch on top of Mt. Ararat in a boat.
Banned for keeping your watch in a goat's ballbag pouch to keep the dust off it while looking for Mt. Washington on a parchment map found in a boat off the coast of someplace nearby a pristine shoreline.
banned for sail from c to shiny c
Banned for trying to polish light beams.
banned for beaming them up
Banned for perving at braless young ladies who are just beaming with confidence.
Banned for OBS.
*obsessive boobie syndrome*
banned for calling out his presumption of manliness
Banned for peeking.
Banned for peaking before your time.
banned for not commenting on my new trackball