since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned 'cause he paid his due to the wrong Acme. It went up instead of down.
Banned for not using Acme cream to prevent outbreaks of of Acme.
Banned for not going to Acme for your rocket skates.
Banned for revealing that Acme's CEO used Dr. Pimple Popper's services to remove the annoying zits from the board of directors.
Banned 'cause Wiley forgot he put the log, dynamite, roller rocket skates, jet pack and other paraphernalia on layaway.
Banned for the cheap binoculars you bought from Acme to watch Roadrunner out-fox Wiley every time.
Banned for jumping over the canyon with rockets by Acme you gotta light with a fuse.
Banned for burnt bum hairs cos you thought getting down town on an Acme rocket [you gotta light with a fuse] was quicker than walking there in Acme's nuclear powered flip flops.
banned for going the nuclear option
banned for mushrooms.
banned for giving in to the dirt
Banned for airing dirt on the flip side of the tracks dividing the town of Iskabibble population 0.5
banned by shiny worms and hairstyles
Banned for putting glow worms on your head to draw attention to your new haircut.
banned for clippers.