since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Prohibido por leer esto
Banned for being older than your teeth but younger than your gums.
banned for gumming up the works
Banned confusing chewing on gum with work.
Banned for using gum to hold the soles of your shoes together with the tops
Banned for gumming up gum wrappers with gum prechewed by seven gummy bears.
banned for letting bears poop in the woods
Banned for going down to the woods today, disguised in a Bigfoot suit to watch bears shit, when all of a sudden a poppa bear comes over and humps your leg.
Banned for enjoying being humped on the leg.
Banned for denigrating Humpty Trumpty after he fell off the wall.
banned for building the wall in the first place
Banned for trivialising the efforts of the Chinese to build a bit of a wall to keep the damned rabbits out.
Banned (sic) on the run? wHat is the purpose and popularity of this thread?
banned for not knowing the purpose
Banned for not properly explaining it to a person who obviously doesn't know why we come here to make often ridiculous bans that cannot be enforced or even adhered to by those told to get the fech out by another previously banned nut-job with lunatic tendencies and a penchant for the weird, wacky and completely insane.