since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for purple moons and suns of gold
Banned for a bruised bum and showing it off in the sunshine.
Think about it!
banned for making me think
Banned for not using the equipment you were born with to have a thought about a purple bum
banned for assuming i was born this way
Banned for assuming that I thought you were born at all. Twice! AGAIN!!
Banned for accusing Ryat of the gremlins' doings.
Banned for assumptions, supposition, guesswork and slight inklings in a world were positivity and the facts reign supreme.... and when you assume u make an ass out of u but not me.
Banned for banning with aphorisms, more aphorisms, amd yet more aphorisms.
Banned for words ending in isms. What'd they ever do to you.
Banned for reminding me of what they did to me. 😖
Banned for that was insignificant compared to what you did to them.
banned for blaming me for all your issues