since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for also using 'that word' and bringing disgrace to these 'ere forums a second time in succession
banned for mocking the algorithmically enhanced
Banned for algorithms and thinking that being algebraic is fashionable.
Banned for messing up the numbers game.
Banned for running a pensioners numbers game and taking away business from 'Uncle Mario'
Also banned for running a pensioners French letter game and taking away pharmacy business
banned for double banning/posting and changing things to cya
Banned for the pot calling the kettle black... frequently using two post spots to get yourself seen more.
Banned for all that creepy doggy talk earlier.
Banned to all who read that creepy doggy talk without dropping the ban hammer of righteousness on the creepy doggywhisperers.
All others pre-emptively banned just because I can and because Mjölner was shattered and now nothing stands in the way of my conquest of the this Realm, which I could do with a simple ball-peen hammer at this point, or the heel of my shoe (once I get the hole in it fixed).
banned for mixing nordic mythology with doggy style
Bammed (<I'll leave that typo) for sicking the forum gremlins on me and wiping my subscription list clean. I have a new slate. I didn't want a new slate. I don't have any new chalk to go with it.
Chalk please?
Banned for wanting chalk so's you can depict doggy style on yer new slate.
Banned for unbanning.... the complete opposite of the purpose here.
Also banned for conjecture, supposition and taking a wild stab in the dark while your pants are down on the floor and Uranus is looking up at you wondering when you're gonna turn around to get mooned.
Don't like it? Fine, then you're banned!