our troops are not there for oil or for the people of iraq or afganistan they are there for us. to make the world safer for you and me. to make it possible for people like the col. and sean to say that they are there becouse the president or the vice president or whomever to say that they are dieing for nothing. the troops are there and dieing so that we can go to the grocery store. so that we can go to the movies, the bars, or where ever when ever we want to go. i know that yo...
the fronts are in afghanistan, iraq, somalia, sudan, england, the united states, and now france, and in a separate front isreal area and what do all of these fronts have in common it is non muslim vs muslim, of course in iraq we also have muslim v muslim and at the moment in the isreal area
thanked the americans for providing them with money to buy weapons so those of you who have been upset that we cut back the amount of money we were giving them. do you think we should now give them more money to buy more weapons so they can kill more isrealies.
in the last couple of days i have found out that the push for the green fuel is just a bandage the demos are trying to give the unions a blank check ie right now the vote as to whether to unionize is a secret vote. the unions which are losing members want the vote to be open. AND we all know that the unions would never use intimidation to get what they want
the attitude of the American citizens and solders during world war 1 was YOU CAN DEFEAT US BUT WE'RE NOT GOING TO LET YOU during world war 2 it was WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE during korean war it was WE ARE TIRED OF WAR PLEASE LET IT STOP during the vietnam war it was STOP THE KILLING AND STOP KILLING CHILDREN (this was the first time that children were used as a weapons delivery system at least in large numbers) this war it is WE DON'T WANT TO HURT ANYON...