Published on May 21, 2007 By danielost In War on Terror
the fronts are in afghanistan, iraq, somalia, sudan, england, the united states, and now france, and in a separate front isreal area

and what do all of these fronts have in common it is non muslim vs muslim, of course in iraq we also have muslim v muslim and at the moment in the isreal area
on May 22, 2007
let's not forget korea, indonesia, the phillipines, darfur and other parts of africa...notto mention columbia and other latin american nations going thru civil "wars" or strifes...then there is the assault on our borders from illegal aliens pouring thru from both sides (we don't talk much much about the canadian border cause more educated "valuable" members of society come thru there. usually with visas, that later expire and they don't leave.)

we have wars on drugs, poverty, mental illness, aids, and every other woe in our society.

about the only thing we are not at war with is war.

world wars? that's so
on May 22, 2007
about the only thing we are not at war with is war

actually sean we are at war with this

arent you and gene agrueing against war

and dufar is in sudan
on May 22, 2007
i'm saying we aren't "as a nation" or our government isn't.

and i'm not at war with war...i'm at war with the iraq war.
on May 22, 2007
And yer point is...?

my point is that we are not the only ones fighting the terriost

on May 22, 2007
It's actually World War VIII. WWIII was fought just after WWII between the termites of hill 3 and the ants of hill 4. WWIV was fought with sticks and stones by the hidden tribe of Much!Verbuto in fulfilment of Einstein's prophecy during the early 50s. WWV was fought between a particularly sturdy tree and a rather vicious vine during the 60s. WWVI needs no explanation - who can forget the cataclysmic clash between rock stars and their livers?

As for WWVII the climactic battle between shredded and sliced cheese still sends shivers down the spines of those unfortunate enough to see it.

You know...

I think we've almost had so many world wars and wars on nouns that nobody pays any attention any more.