Published on December 10, 2009 By danielost In Everything Else

since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.



i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol

Comments (Page 1714)
on Aug 06, 2021

Banned for having an aversion to blown up ducks...

on Aug 06, 2021

Banned for ducking due to your aversion to low flying ducks and low bridges.

on Aug 08, 2021

banned for building a bridge but not getting over it

on Aug 08, 2021

Banned for secretly watching 'Bridge to Terabithia' in a locked room so that nobody knows you're into kids movies.

on Aug 10, 2021

banned for not letting me enjoy the movies

on Aug 10, 2021

Banned for it's all in the eye of the beholder.

on Aug 10, 2021

banned for letting the beholder out of its cage

on Aug 10, 2021

Banned for beholding the beholder with no clothes on.

on Aug 15, 2021

banned for debuffing the beholder

on Aug 16, 2021

Banned for holding the beholder [and not by his hand] to stop him going to the nudie beach and scaring little ladies, both old and young, with the shaft holding up his umbrella.

on Aug 16, 2021

banned for citing low umbrella coverage

on Aug 17, 2021

Banned for raindrops keep falling on your head... cos yer umbrella leaks like a sieve.

on Aug 18, 2021

banned for making fun of the best rainy season we've had in years

on Aug 18, 2021

Banned for only just noticing that I revel enthusiastically in making fun of your shortcomings and misgivings.


on Aug 20, 2021

banned for putting googly eyes on rocks and selling them as pets