Published on December 10, 2009 By danielost In Everything Else

since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.



i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol

Comments (Page 1716)
on Sep 03, 2021

Banned for getting full in the closet with various forms of alcohol and obesity causing snacks.

on Sep 03, 2021

banned for letting the sandboxes overflow

on Sep 03, 2021

Banned for going in the sandbox like an old tom cat.

on Sep 04, 2021

banned for being older than me

on Sep 05, 2021

Banned for ageism and that one day you won't be able to get the wrinkles out, either.

on Sep 05, 2021

banned for thinking that i dont know how to work an iron

on Sep 05, 2021

Banned for thinking you'd be able to use an iron on such a sensitive and delicate part of the body....OUCH!!!!

on Sep 07, 2021

banned for not taking your boosters properly to avoid such issues

on Sep 07, 2021

Banned for there is no inoculation for jealousy or false hope.

on Sep 08, 2021

banned for not understanding modern medicine 

on Sep 08, 2021

Banned for still believing there is an inoculation for lunacy and recklessness.

on Sep 09, 2021

banned for mocking my beliefs in the great unknowns

on Sep 09, 2021

Banned for what is unknown to you is common knowledge to everyone else.

on Sep 09, 2021

banned for changing flags in the middle of a battle so as to be on the winning side at all times

on Sep 09, 2021

Banned for taking sides.