since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for being the first nincompoop through the door to sign up for a nincompoop membership.
banned for jealousy
Banned for thinking that you could prise out the truth with a speculum
banned for thinking i only have a limited amount of tools
Banned for banning the sharpest tool in the box.
banned for keeping things in a box like a good banker
Banned for being a bad banker and keeping your savings in a box under the bed.... can still get wet under there, you know.
banned for trying to get under the bed
Banned for I never go under the bed... too many boogeymen and boogeywomen under there already, doing stuff I have a vague recollection of but don't even dream about anymore.
banned for letting your dreams die
Banned for dreaming about becoming a banker since you saved a few pennies.
Banned for failing to break this thread.
banned for wanting to snap the thread
Banned for thinking about card games when a catsastrophe is looming o'er us.
banned for not getting your shots and letting the catastrophe come about