since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for fanboi over the OO
Banned for OOO, and AAAH!
banned for laughing at everyone
Banned for I can't even crack a smile while this pandemic is sweeping across the globe.
banned for stressing out across the globe
Banned for looking into a snow-globe and thinking it's just another winter weather forecast.
banned for trying to bring snow into my area
Banned for not knowing the difference between snowmen and snow-women is snowballs.
banned for fondling
Banned for using lockdown to curb on yer hooker bills to spend bigger bucks on booze.
banned for boozing up the place
Banned for I wasn't there at the time.... nor was I there the time before.
banned for ignoring all the evidence that says otherwise
Banned for acting like a gardener and planting said evidence.
banned for marking my job as essential and make me work while everyone else gets to stay home