since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for stealing Lobo's avatar.
banned for low balling everyone
Banned for balls around yer ankles but not playing soccer
banned for kicking things around
Banned for kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town and stubbing your toe on a very rude fire hydrant that jumped right out in front of you without warning. Well that's your story and I guess you're sticking to it
banned for wrapping several song lyrics together and calling it a ban
Banned for being over-cautious and wrapping yourself in cotton wool cos you think you're too old for mummy to kiss it better.
banned for being older than i
Banned for arriving late and making everyone wait.
Banned for excessive excess and exaggerated exaggeration.
banned for over the top word usage
Banned for using words found in the dictionary.
banned for letting the cats out again
Banned for liking cats, not that you could eat a whole one.
banned for the whole kitten kadoodle