since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned because kittens kadoodles are strictly off limits to persons without a vets license.
banned for making veterans get licenses
Banned for staying up all night waiting for your sexual relations to arrive.
banned for waiting three years
Banned for reading my diary.
banned for posting it up for all to read
Banned for that was somebody elses diary... and mine, is triple encrypted so the likes of you pervs can't read it and get filthy ideas.
banned for thinking your ideas are new
Banned for thinking my ideas are old.... and a triple ban for not liking my new PC.
banned for getting a new pc before me
Banned for that green streak.
banned for claims of streaks
Banned for really bad streaks on your windows that you can't see out of them.
banned for not cleaning my windows
Banned for seeing the window of opportunity but exiting via the backdoor instead.