since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for 'in other words' being less than too eloquent.
banned for using your right to speak for such useless and mundane things
Banned for attempting to engage in rights management.
banned for trying to be in your right mind while still of to the left
Banned 'cause right mind is so overplayed.
banned for playing with it
Banned for snapping on the latex gloves and turning it into a party.
banned for remaining at said party all night
Banned for next time around.
banned for going around the bend to the blender with bent blades
Banned for Blending the blend ing of the blendering process that ensues as a result of the blend if all processes involved in the blending of all variables therein being influenced by undue duress promulgated by the blending proceses involved to date. 1+1 may not be what you think it am. Somethin' dubious goin' on to here...hmmmmmmm
banned for an attempt at finding the conspiracy theory
Banned for attracting UFO's to the thread.
Banned.......did it work?
banned for wanting it to work