since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned with a big EEWWW!
Banned for suggesting that the Flying Nun did unmentionable things under her habit because she left enormous skid marks upon landing.
banned for skidding all over the place
Banned for placing skins in the second place.
Banned for the newly weds staying at a motel for a week and not once coming out of their room, not once accepting room service.
On the seventh day the maid knocks and gets the same reply: " Go away, we don't need food, we're living on the fruits of love."
"About that," says the maid: "the gardener wants you to stop throwing the skins out the window."
banned for throwing away the banana peels
Banned for knowing it takes 2 urologists to circumcise a banana.... to ensure a second opinion
Banned 'cause it takes only one me to peel a banamba and scoff it up. Yum...dunking in chocolate pudding and chocolate ice cream. Good stuff.
banned for bringing in the chocolate
Banned for not fudging it.
And banned again for making me start a new page with nine to go for a grand.
Banned for starting out new page with fudging it.
banned for fudging the numbers
Banned for nudging the fumbers too.
Banned by official decree from Banapolis and the great leadership of Fugoli. You fuggen banned man.
Banned by the Fuggerland Express Company of Fuggerland.