since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for potty talk.
banned for being the king of the talk about the potty
Banned for not bowing to the Potty King. Shame on you.
Banned for I no longer engage in potty talk because I keep losing my balance and falling over the damned thing.
banned for losing your balance, you old man you
Banned because one day your bits n' pieces won't work properly, either, and you'll recall being an intolerant ageist when the young uns all start calling you old fart and fossil and etc as well.
Banned for adolescence...not.
banned for banning the most hormone challenging time ever
Banned for random young'uns.
Banned for random old farts who leave fossilised deposits in placeswhere not only archaeologists can step on them.
Banned for wipe failure.
Banned for wiping up the leftover skid marks.
banned for leaving skid marks all over the place
Banned for subjects un-befitting cognitive responses.
Banned for unhygienic cognition of befitting responses to crack cheese.