since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for regaling me with tales from the 80's
Banned for 80's rifts and 90's gifs and 2000's nitpicking.
Banned for bringing up decades of this and that without considering the consequences of hands-out 'millenials' who think the world owes them big time.... got two like that who'd bleed me dry if'n I'd let 'em. Nope, the buck is no longer flowing and stops here.
Banned for not spraying the air freshener too.
Banned for knowing that my kids need air freshener cos BO spray don't touch it.
banned for letting the bo flow
Banned for blowing the air flow out the door.
Banned for closing the door to warm things up and share your airflow with others.
banned for letting the door hit you in the rear
Banned for slamming the door that hard behind me that it came off the hinges and now I'm using it as shade for my medicinal herbs
Banned for windows.
Banned for being a pane.
Banned for pining away for window sills and door stops.
Banned for pining away at your window sill for Dolly Parton to arrive on your doorstep with signed CDs, boobs n' all.
Banned for being jealous Dolly Parton showed up at my doorstep and not yours.