since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for failing to worship at the altar of the flying spaghetti monsters
Banned for pasta mongering.
Banned for attempting to ban with a wet noodle.
Banned for noodling in a sack full of oodles.
Banned for canoodling with a sack of wet noodles.
Banned 'cause canoodling is the new purple.
Purple is the new black.... when used in conjunction with a solid beating with a lump of 4" x 2".
banned for mentioning bruising without a banning
Banned for banning in black and blue.
Banned for just being you.
Banned 'cause I are me.
banned by me and myself and eye
Banned for eye was never consulted.
Banned for near and far sighted bifocalness.
banned for seeing the birds in the trees but not the toads on the floor