since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for not recognising a beer box when you see one.... and hands off my wood. If you want wood, go to the saw mill like everyone else.
Banned for putting beer cans in a soapbox just so you could call it a beer box and excessive wood polishing while drinking beer standing on your soapbox.
Banned for obsessions with soapboxes and wood.
Banned for adverts on splintered soap.
Banned for splintering soap bars into several pieces thinking it'll save you money.
Banned for making a soapbox coin ICO.
Banned for coining ICO's under cover of stuff.
Banned for running under cover with a box of soap to count your coins.
Banned for making soap coins for rainy day funds.
Banned for rainy days and soap operas. Yuck!
Banned for going to the outdoor opera to watch the divas blow soap bubbles in the rain.
Banned for attending the opera butt naked in a tub of bubbles.
banned for caring on without me
Banned for being absent and not 'caring'
Banned for absenteeisms.