since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for sampling the sound and trying to sell it to Cardi B.
Banned for I would never.... I wanted to sell it to Liberace but his ghost wouldn't hand over the bucks.
banned for making my life miserable
Banned for neglecting to mention your 99.9% contribution to that perceived misery.
Fact is, you're only happy when you're miserable, so stop complaining and be happy at what you do so well.
Banned for climbing on a Soap Box while your wizzer was out of the barn.
Banned for it was a cereal box and my wizzer was so definitely in the barn.... was zipped up tightly in its stall to prevent it getting at a 'rather warm' mare as in heat.
Banned for mare stalking.
Banned for it was the mayor.... and leave my stalk alone.
Banned for stalking in sito.
Banned for you're the second person to have a go at my stalk.... if I wish to go stalking through the woods I shall.
Banned for adding more wood.
Banned for going into the woods and coming back with a backside full of splinters.
Banned for failing to get wood when the mayor wanted to stoke the fire.
Banned for fiery monologues.
Banned for returning to the soapbox just to make a 1 sentence monologue and pestering Mr. Mayor with your wood issue.