since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for defusing the blow you ups. Starkers hates cleaning up the mess.
banned for thinking that starkers is the maid
Banned for not leaving the maid for me.
banned for strumming too hard
Banned for picking at the notes.
Banned for picking your nose... err, I mean hose, and have it leaking all over the place.
banned for being such a hoser
Banned for hosing your lawn's crab grass to make 'em outgrow your lawn's crab grass.
Banned for crabs on the grass, octopi in the garden beds and seahorses hiding in the compost.
banned because your chewing gum loses its flavor on the bedpost over night
Banned for assuming I even chew gum, much less leave it on the bedpost overnight.... or under the toilet seat while I'm in the bath, for that matter.
banned for bathing
Banned for ablutional abstinence in the bathroom and tossing the antipersperant in the bin.
Banned for holding my nose 'cause its gettin' stinky. PU!
banned for assuming its the smell