since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for nailing the pore spoon
Banned for spooning with your teddy bear.
banned for mocking the nickname I give my wife
Banned for spooning out of season.
banned for seasoning by spoon and not by fork
Banned for forking your teddy bear when a spooning would have done
Banned for munching on stuffed animals.
Banned for casting iffies about munching on stuffed chicken.
banned for stuffing the old bird
Banned for spilling the custard on the young bird and ruining her dress.
Banned for juicy scandals.
Banned for promoting the scandal about Juicy Jay and the Jiblets.
banned for seeing scandal in a sandal
Banned for scandalising the scandaled with greater scandals than they even knew existed beyond the scandal they were first tarred with by scandalists with nothing better to do than cast aspersions upon those with a possible blemish here or there.... perhaps.