since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for hiding yours in the attic so's you don't have to turn the other cheek.
banned for trying to be cheeky
Banned 'cause two strikes are out and one more on the way. Found some these lurkin' and lookin' suspicious.
Banned for going on strike twice and not being a Lunatics R Us union member
Banned 'cause I are 2 member. Thissa mine ID: 1
Banned for your membership lapsed when you were released from the padded cell recently and cast off your strait jacket.
To rejoin you need to send 2 bux to and dust off yer stait jacket... make sure no spiders be hidin' in there.
Banned 'cause I'm Batman.
Banned for Robin the rich to give to the poor.
banned for thinking that I would be a poor giver
Banned for poor you and not looking over the horizon to see if there is more or not
banned for heading towards the flat line
Banned for non burpy issues.
Banned for not showing the chef appreciation for a good meal with an enormous burp.
banned for passing gas through the mouth
Banned 'cause Italian cooking is Da Bomb.