since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for hiding money in a cuckoo's nest because you no longer trust banks.
Also banned for singing a song of sixpence.... and a pocket full of rye.
banned for believing that there is a bathroom on the right
Banned for peeing in the bathroom... the toilet isn't in there.
Banned because.... "It's up the cuckoo, down the cuckoo, up the cuckoo's nest.
I'll give any maid a shilling, and a bottle of the best,
Just to ruffle up the feathers of her cuckoo's nest."
Banned for inferring in verse that you'd pay a shilling or more to delve into extracurricular activities with a fair maiden who's holding a bottle of scrumpy in one hand and a cuckoo cock in the other.
banned for unintended readership
Banned for abstinence of intended readership and putting the cart before the horse, the chicken before the egg.
Banned for swapping tall tales at a tea party for one.
banned for throwing tea in the river
Banned for referencing Boston and the river that runs upside down.
banned for thinking that i mentioned the Hassayampa River
Banned for thinking I thought.... not usual for that time of day.
Banned for outsourcing your bannings to a trained monkey you pay to sit at your keyboard.
Banned for not leaving my monkey alone.... twice.... and giving him an inferiorority complex about being way too hairy, even though his IQ is higher than most others who monkey around and assume the mantle of being a human specimen.