since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for making the bed and not letting anyone sleep on it
Banned for sleeping on the job while making the bed and ending up under the rug on the floor instead.
Banned for letting me think a pralies and cream/ Riverboat Red milkshake would be a good idea. It disrupts the palate, and is nearly as offensive as the next banner.
banned for letting the orange one talk with the rocket
Banned for thinking that Go4Celerity deserves to get a rocket up his blank for always being tardy.
Banned for thinking about my blank.
blanking banned for getting your blanks all in a wad
Banned for not introducing Go4Celerity to blanking and leaving him completely in the dark with a blank and a warm beer for company.
BTW, GFC [and that doesn't mean Global Financial Crisis], there's another fun game that might interest you.... pop over and check it out.
banned for talking about the global financial world
Banned for ignoring iffy global financial conditions that bankers started and sticking your money in the damned bank anyway.
banned for not realizing that banks can be sued and money be gotten back from them whereas a man stealing your cash will never pay it back
Banned for thinking banks don't have effin good lawyers to thwart your legal challenge and increase your losses 10-fold.
Banned for speeding along.
Banned for breaking Kitty Wells heart... in every song she ever sang.
banned for once sang over a cuckoo's nest