since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for being revelaed to be
IN CONCLUSION..................................
Banned for not banning Ghost for not getting the joke, but for something else.
banned for banning for something else.
@Scoutdog Banned for I get the joke but its SOOOOOO old, really how many times can it be used
It's like me constantly asking when I can get in the beta in increasingly childish ways everytime I spot a Stardock Employee.
Banned for only considering it.
Banned for not considering it.
banned for considering it what ever it is.
Banned for banning for consideration.
Banned for being inconsiderate.
banned for being rude.
Banned for banning for rudeness.
banned for banning for banning for rudeness.
Banned for banning for banning for banning for rudeness.
Banned for banning the banning of banning of banning rudeness.
Banned for banning the banning of banning of banning of banning of rudeness.