Published on December 10, 2009 By danielost In Everything Else

since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.



i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol

Comments (Page 1711)
on Jul 03, 2021

Banned for being larger on the inside and eating so much there's never ever any leftovers.

on Jul 04, 2021

banned for not appreciating that the food was that good

on Jul 04, 2021

Banned for such a ravenous appetite that sees others go hungry and blaming the gluttony on 'good' food.

on Jul 05, 2021

banned for lighting off fireworks and scaring my poor dog

on Jul 05, 2021

Banned for it wasn't me.... fireworks are banned here to members of the public in Oz... can only be used by professionals.

on Jul 06, 2021

banned for thinking that just because it is illegal that it doesn't happen

on Jul 06, 2021

Banned for suggesting that I break the law and blow up mail boxes and scare little old ladies and dogs with illegal fireworks.

Also banned for it is only 4c in my room at 8.45 am and currently minus 2c outside.

on Jul 07, 2021

banned for not using kelvins

on Jul 07, 2021

Banned for if you knew Kelvin like I know Kelvin, you wouldn't touch his leftovers, either.... no, you'd call in a Hazmat team to responsibly remove them before a neighbourhood contamination took place.

on Jul 08, 2021

banned for calling in on your neighbour like a gestapo informer

on Jul 09, 2021

Banned for being judgemental [with emphasis on the mental ] regarding my civic duty to clean up the streets and reduce the numbers of scavengers seeking an easy meal from the neighbourhood's refuse bins.

on Jul 11, 2021

banned for attempting to placate your conscience with wordy word smithing 

on Jul 12, 2021

Banned for being judgemental regarding my eloquence.

on Jul 15, 2021

banned for making a piss poor cup of coffee and trying to pass it off as high quality 

on Jul 15, 2021

Banned for viewing your spy-drone's footage all wrong and making a wrong assumption.... I don't make cups of coffee.

Also banned for not knowing that I'm a tea drinker when the beer runs out.