since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for building the fort in the first place
Banned for drinking fortified wine and calling it sherry.
banned for taking it to the limit one more time
Banned for you can't hide your lyin' eyes.... and don't forget that you can never leave.
banned for referencing a song about the music/entertainment industry
Banned for wearing wobbly boots and staggering along like a drunk sucking down on a bottle 'o plonk.
banned for seals and pigs flying through the sky
Banned for no particular reason.... you're just banned
banned for being unreasonable
Banned for being cantankerously uncooperative at the corner store cooperative
banned for going to the store instead of letting the store come to you
Banned for mentioning coming instead of going.... not to mention omitting the shortcuts to that and other stores.
banned for carving out a mask instead of buying a good cloth one
Banned for needing a mask 24/7 365 to keep the stares away.
Did you hear about the bloke whose girlfriend was so ugly that he put a brown paper bag over her head? He also wore one just in case hers fell off.
banned for trying to put them in the sack