since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for making me start a new page. (Unless someone beats me)
new page
banned for I've started two today. Consider this a gift.
Banned 'cause I don't take gifts from strangers.
Banned because of the 'cause cause.
banned cause of it
because it happens.
Xer0 \^/
banned cause shit happens
Banned for catching the reference.
Banned because some idiots at the engineering camp I'm at decided to hold a rave, and set off the fire alarms with their fog machine. Twice. Once at 12:30 AM, the other at 12:45.
banned for idiot engineers. And people wonder why bridges keep falling over.
Banned because bridges fall over when I sneeze.
banned for Chuck Norris would sneeze and you would fall over.
Banned because Chuck Norris has no respiratory system.
Banned because Chuck Norris is Member number 0.
banned for Chuck Norris does not breathe. He just tells oxygen to get into his blood, where the red blood cells roundhouse kick it.