since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for safes.
banned to the safe zone for the immediate future
banned immediately for zoning violation Title I Section III Paragraph A Sub 2. "No Party may ban someone to the safe zone without the prior written consent of the Safety Banning Commission".
banned for wanting to start a #metoo movement on the ban thread
Banned for handing out money and not giving some to me too.
Banned for leaking non confidential schedules into the wild.
Banned for unscheduled leaking in the wild.
banned for leaking and not getting it sealed properly
Banned for listening to an Informercial and covering your leaker with tape and glue.
Banned for taking a leak in the wild so you don't have to call a plumber.
banned for plumbing the depths of depravity in the windy city
Banned for making the city so windy with leaky plumbing and fishing the depths of depravity out of the well.
Banned for giving away all the credit.
Banned for taking credit at a discount.
Banned for crediting the discount to a cut-price store.