since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for if there is a pool of water between the two holes, the water wheel will not speed up. the pool of water will act as a break.
banned for no pool was mentioned to exist.
banned for it was stated a mass of water between them, that is a pool.
Banned for scientists trying to break the universe. Again.
Banned because if it ain't broke, you can't fix it.
banned for that would be a stream.
banned for a mass can be moving. If a car speeds between Philly and New York, it both has mass and is mobile. The portals simply define the limitations of where it is and provide the means of mobility (yes, gravity is actually doing the job, but you get the point).
SD banned for writing a book every other post...I'm too lazy to read them...
-Twilight Storm
banned for being lazy and not cleaning up your posts, now the server has to.
banned for letting them clean up our posts. I like my history.
Banned into the dustbin of history.
banned for trying to prove him right
Banned because I finally figured out how the Avatars actually work for my James Cameron hatefic.
Originally, I had them genetically engineered to possess organic radio receivers in their skulls (similar structures exist in whales, birds, etc.) that would interpret signals from the brain-mapping systems in the link units. However, there is no practical way for a four-meter tall humanoid to generate the kind of power needed to bounce a signal back, so the driver would forget everything once they woke up.
Then I read an article in Scientific American about entire cells and crystals being quantum-entangled at room-temperature, and thought it wouldn't be much of a stretch to entangle two whole brains. Problem solved.
banned because technical details rarely make a great story.
Banned because you seem to ban more often in this game...