since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for letting time slip away
Banned for slipping in time and landing on your derierre during a mementary lapse of reason.
Banned for Lucidity or lack thereof.
Banned for being as clear as mud.
banned for muddying the waters with a horse
Banned for horsing around in the water and getting mud in your underwear.
banned for getting on with the monkeys and throwing your own feces
Banned for not giving a crap about the monkeys all caged up at the zoo.
banned for driving to the zoo and cheering on the imprisonment
Banned for mistaking me for somebody else.
Banned for floppin' eagles. Who keep on floppin' and floppin' and...
Banned for complaining about that which is flaccid flopping around and bringing attention to its general floppiness.
banned for letting it flop around
Banned for watching it flop around and getting a thrill out of it.
Whoa, you guys banned me so hard it took me four years to get back in here.
Banned for making me do stuff.