since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for working. They haven't invented collars for avatars yet.
Banned for trying to collar the avatar thief with a two dollar suit.
banned for spending a dollar more than you should have on a suit
Banned choosing a 50c suit from an op-shop tailor.
banned for Zoot suits and tails.
Banned for boots, suits and fruits that don't match your Pink Zoot.
Banned for using uits and oots in the same sentence.
banned by the pink gods of the triune
Banned by flying piggies in pink tutus headed for Oz.
Banned for flying bagpipes sounding out a haunting hogmenay from a haggis point of view.
Banned for highlanders in kilts and nikes.
banned for calling on the goddess of victory
Banned for invoking the Goddess of Chance to help pay off your gambling debts.
Banned for dabbling in deities.
banned for trying to make yourself a deity