Published on December 10, 2009 By danielost In Everything Else

since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.



i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol

Comments (Page 1568)
on Oct 22, 2018

Banned for tolling and trolling and rolling and cajolling and other kinds of olling.

on Oct 22, 2018

banned for olling around

on Oct 22, 2018

Banned for doing the gnillo.

on Oct 22, 2018

Banned for not bringing steaks and beer to the backyard grillo...... AKA BBQ.

on Oct 23, 2018

banned for bringing forth the best way to eat dead muscle tissue of an animal

on Oct 23, 2018

Banned for char grilled bananas

on Oct 23, 2018

banned for saying something so bananas

whoops for forgetting about this for like, a year

on Oct 23, 2018

Banned for not comparing apples to oranges.

on Oct 23, 2018

banned for bringing in the grapes to scale

on Oct 24, 2018

banned for fruit loops.

on Oct 24, 2018

banned for starting that loop again

on Oct 24, 2018

Banned for doing the loop de loop in a cardboard glider.

on Oct 25, 2018

Banned for loopy loones for tunes and hard boiled coconuts.

on Oct 25, 2018

Banned for using loopy loones word. 

on Oct 25, 2018

banned for poor censorship