Published on December 10, 2009 By danielost In Everything Else

since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.



i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol

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on May 30, 2011

banned for trying to box me in with your 'definitions'!

on May 30, 2011

banned for boxing definetions.  silly let them  fly free.

on May 30, 2011

banned for now I have no definitions and the parking lot is littered with definition feces.

on May 31, 2011

Banned because now at least the definition-rights people won't firebomb your house....

on May 31, 2011

banned for PETA members waving Oxford dictionaries angrily

on May 31, 2011

banned for bringing the nazi peta into this

on May 31, 2011

banned for they are indeed celebrity terrorist nazis. Go ahead, spill paint of on my fur coat. Make me kill 101 puppies to make another.

on May 31, 2011

Banned because they actually have more in common with Soviets than Nazis.

on May 31, 2011

banned for it's forced control issue. Not too worried about the details.

on May 31, 2011

banned for i bet they havent given up their hamburger.

on May 31, 2011

banned for their method of castration is beyond brutal in comparison to the normal method. PETA is awash with members who have no involvement in the industries they affect. It's like what if Jenny McCarthy was giving advice on infant vaccines? Oh, wait...

on Jun 01, 2011

Banned because environmental activists nearly drove a native English species, the water vole, to extinction by raiding the places where they raised american mink for the fur industry, and releasing the animals inside. Guess what one of it's favourite new foods turned out to be? That's right, water voles. Guess how many natural enemies it had in Britain (excluding us, though not in the traditional sense)? That's right, none. So we have water voles nearly extinct (but recovering) and american mink being killed whenever they're caught up and down the country because of all this.

The morale of the story is, environmental activists need to actually know something about the environment, instead of simply being unemployed, anarchistic oxygen thieves.

on Jun 01, 2011

banned for not knowing when they do that here in the usa, the minks dont last long because they get run over.

on Jun 01, 2011

Banned for Ted Kazynski.

on Jun 01, 2011

banned for anarchist? Yes. Environmentalist? No.

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