Published on December 10, 2009 By danielost In Everything Else

since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.



i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol

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on May 25, 2011

banned for I worry for you. What is mama kitty?

on May 25, 2011

banned for mama kitty is the cat that has given birth to all of my cats but 1, and several that are no longer here.

on May 26, 2011

ah. banned for this mama kitty needs to ease up on the mama part. and I think you need to take her actions as 'suggestions'.

on May 26, 2011

Banned because mama kitty sounds like a great name for a rapper's girlfriend.

on May 26, 2011

banned for I think you're right

on May 26, 2011

banned for never ever ever call scout-dog right.  in the unlikelihood that scout-dog is right, never ever ever call scout-dog right,  his brain will swell-up and that is gross to see.,

on May 26, 2011

banned for emergency exits are located at the front, sides, and rear of the plane. In the case of brain swelling, you can use your seat backing to beat the tissue into submission.

on May 28, 2011

Alternateively, you will each find a Brain Slug beneath your seat with which to drain excess brain tissue.

(results may vary)

-Twilight Storm | All banned for continueing to support this clone-game.....Oh Crap, I did it again!!!

on May 28, 2011

banned for trying to ban me for supporting my own clone game.

on May 28, 2011

banned for creating the clone game

on May 28, 2011

Banned for cloning.

It'll be them there communist fascist Soviet Nazi Godless Islamic death panels next, I tells y'all!!!

on May 28, 2011

Banned for replying with the same ban every time I ban for banning here...

Whoah...I made myself dizzy...and I posted again, dang it!!!

-Twilight Storm

on May 28, 2011

banned for here's a chair to sit beside yourself with.

on May 28, 2011

How about a circle of chairs?  To sit beside myself I would need to continually move one chair to the left or right...

Banned for making me think...

-Twilight Storm

on May 28, 2011

banned for sitting on your own lap.

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