since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for not shaving and saving the leftovers for posterity.
Banned for going with the posterity bug and unleashing thousands upon the unsuspecting public gathered together to hear the beetle bugs fly over in squadron formation to impress the lady bugs who were just out for a casual stroll to break the monotony of a less than average day that excited nobody 'cept the doodle bug who is too lazy to get out of her nest to see what's happening in the crazy old world of bugs, bugs and more bugs.
..... so there.
banned for run on sentence
Banned for the ho hum, TDS, CNNDS, and other communicable diseases.
Banned for communicating
banned because you never talk to me
Banned for the first sign of madness.... talking to yourself.
Banned for self inflicting dialogues.
Banned for the second sign of madness is striking up a conversation with yourself.
Banned for letting in the boring.
banned for being such a boring person
Banned for banter baiting on behalf of boggles and bugles because of bellicose boondoggles and bats.
banned for insane stunts and artwork
Banned for being on the exterior and looking up the posterior to see the interior of the anterior, while feeling rather inferior to the superior, who redacted the extracted because he thought it was way too enacted and thus acted to prevent the defracted being refracted.
Banned for confusing this thread.