since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for fishy sounding puns
Banned for pun intended.
Banned for doing the pun pun as a Pun worthy Pun in a Bun.
Banned for forced rhyming
Banned for ergonomics
Banned for sealing the deal with a kiss.
Banned for kissin' up to the 'art of the deal'
banned for mocking the art of war
Banned 'cause SunTzu said so.
Banned for going all Mt Rushmore and declaring your manhood to be a national monument to attact more visitors.
Banned for cultural appropriation.
Banned for appropriating letters and arranging them in coherent form.
Banned for declaring the hairs on your chest as a national park because you're tired of trimming them.
banned for trying to trim them in the first place
Banned 'cause it got deforested before it began.